Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Post

Tomorrow I will join the occupation on Wall Street, where honest people are protesting dishonest people. Sounds simple but, given the political maze in which we live, the honest get arrested. As far as the dishonest, they live in mansions.
What I want to do is start the Centrist Party. And oh, get lots of bankers to repay the money.
Sound simple. It is.
I did, years ago, mention the concept of a Centrist Party on another blog, - so here is the quote just for nostalgia:

Somewhere in the middle there are a number of people who just want facts and are working on growing hemp and using electric cars. The next political movement may well be the Centrist Party, fed up with all the nonsense on the far left and far right. They will be carrying copies of genuine peer reviewed articles on hemp, climate change and sustainable living.